What is Erectile Dysfunction? It's something most men don't want to discuss. It's the elephant in the room and yet it is so common. While the experience varies, erectile dysfunction is the leading sexual concern for men worldwide.
People experience erectile dysfunction in many different ways. Your erection may not be as hard as you'd like. Maybe you can't stay hard. It could be that you don't get an erection at all. Erectile dysfunction can come with feelings of lower sexual desire. It may be something you experience all the time or only sometimes. Think about the sexual fantasy that turns you on the most. The one that makes your heart rate speed up and sends a thrill coursing through you. The one that fills you with anticipation and need when you think about living it out. Actually feeling those sensations, whether they’re the soft brush of silk, the sharp bite of leather or the warmth of skin. Imagine what it would be like to step into that space with your partner. Taking the journey together and discovering new shared pleasure.
This week is Men’s Health Week, an opportunity to discuss and think more about men’s health concerns and the unique health issues experienced by men.
You’ll probably hear lots about mental health, depression, prostate cancer and heart disease. These are some of the everyday things that impact men, and they are so important to talk about. Men are over-represented in the numbers for suicide, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and lung disease. 11% of WA men experience a high or very high level of psychological distress last year. 1 in 4 men will deal with depression at some point in their life. We often take the definition of monogamy for granted. Most people agree that being unfaithful or cheating is wrong. However, it's rare that couples sit down and have a real conversation about their personal boundaries and definitions of monogamy and infidelity. Monogamy means different things to different people, so it's wise to discuss and negotiate what monogamy should look like when you and your future partner or spouse are committing to a relationship or marriage.
You aren't alone in this. We've put together a guide to help you discuss and define the boundaries around monogamy in your relationship. |